Philadelphia Gallery of Art – Now playing.

ImageCheck out to find some great artwork from Philadelphia artists!  They also have a facebook and a twitter, although I think as just starting there aren’t too many posts right now.  If you’re in Philadelphia, they’re accepting applications for representation, it’s on the contact on their website.

On an equally awesome note, check out my still life.  I bet you thought I would never paint one (again.)  But I did, and in fact ENJOYED it.  That’s right, the mandarins stood completely still while you move your head around and talk a lot.  The mandarins had very little to say, and honestly putting these on the wall will be cheaper in the long run than buying new oranges every week to replace the dried ones.  I mean, these are like $5 for 3 lbs!  You don’t want that kind of recurring tax on your plate, but if you buy this painting (available at the previous link) you are basically getting an ikea bowl, three everlasting oranges, and a partially opened orange included in the price.  Granted, you can’t do anything with them but look, but imagine how they will brighten up your fancy foyer table, and you’ll never have to change the water.

Since I’m in school now, as well as teaching, I have been busy.  Btw if you want to learn, I have proof that my teaching method is good, and in four weeks I promise your portraits will improve (unless you are David Kassan, then I can’t help you.)

Here is some inspiration (for you to go to AFTER you visit  It has music, but if you mute it you will find some beauty.  Maybe you will be inspired to buy a still life as well.